الثلاثاء، 10 مايو 2016

موقع لكشف الاستلال (النسخ) في الاطاريح الجامعية

مجلة عالمية

ورد اسمي ضمن قوائم الشكر والتقديرللمراجعين للمجلة العالمية المشهورة Construction Management and Economics

The quality of papers in this journal could not be sustained were it not for our referees and the high quality of feedback that they provide to us and to our authors. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge their work and to thank them for undertaking this task so freely and enthusiastically. 
We are grateful to the following people for acting as referees during the last twelve months.

Abbott, M.C., Azim, M.O.Y.A., Aziz, E.D.A.M.A., Abdelkhalek, H.A., Abdel-Razek, R.H., Abdel-Wahab, M.M.S., Abdou, A., Abdul-Aziz, A.R., Sains, U., Abdul-Hadi, M.N. and Abou-Zeid, A., Referees for Volume 26 (2008).Construction Management and Economics (October–December 2008), 26, pp.1327-1336.
1328ورد اسمي ضمن المراجعين للمجلة بالصفحة

Abbasi, G.Y., Abbott, M.C., Aziz, A.M.A., Abdelazem, M.H.A., Abdelhamid, T., Abdelkhalek, H.A., Abdel-Razek, R.H., Abdou, A., Abraham, D., Bakar, A.H.B.A. and Sains, U., Referees for Volume 27 (2009). Construction Management and Economics (October–December 2009), 27, pp.1271-1282.
                1272ورد اسمي ضمن المراجعين للمجلة بالصفحة